Getting started guide
03. Navigating the platform

Find your way around the app

3 min read

Did you know? 🔎
Extend offers both web and mobile app experiences. Take advantage of both to make spend management convenient for any scenario.

Best Practice 🚀

Each member of your team can benefit from using both the web and mobile apps.

We recommend the web app for users like finance managers or controllers who need to set up accounting codes, integrate their accounting software, and download reporting. 

We recommend the mobile app—available on iOS and Android—for employees who might need to use a virtual card, attach a receipt, or submit an out-of-pocket expense report while on the go.

Note: Each user’s app experience may look slightly different as certain features are available based on your bank issuer, your role in the org, and whether you have a registered card.

Navigate the home page

Here is how these navigation items work:

View your registered account(s) and any accounts in the org that you have permission to see. Note: An account refers to any registered credit card (often a physical card).

View a list of all your budgets and any budgets in the org that you have permission to see. You can also view budget requests if you are a registered cardholder.

Virtual cards
View all virtual cards that you have received, plus any virtual cards in the org that you have permission to see. You can also view virtual card requests if you are a registered cardholder.

View transactions across all cards and accounts that you have permission to see. You may also filter and download card transactions for easy reconciliation. You can also view physical card transactions if you have them integrated.

View a list of your out-of-pocket expense reports, plus expense reports in your org if you have permission to view. You can also approve expense reports if your role permits.

View a list of all members in your org. You can also invite people to join your org if your role permits.

Reach out to customer support or easily access the help center.

Notification center
View notifications of various app activity.

View and edit your profile settings, including notification settings, plus your organization settings if your role enables that permission.

Use the “Create New” button

The Create New button is a key element in the Extend app. Based on your role and cardholder status, you can use this button to quickly do a lot of things.

Here’s a list of all possible functions you might see on the Create New menu:

  • Create a virtual card
  • Create in bulk (CSV)
  • Request a virtual card
  • Create a budget
  • Request a budget
  • Create expense report
  • Auto-match receipts (mobile app only)

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